TRACO Electronic AG
DC/DC Converters

TRACO Electronic AG
DC/DC Converters

American Electronic Components, inc
TMR Gear tooth sensor with high sensitivity to magnetic field

American Electronic Components, inc
TMR Gear tooth sensor with high sensitivity to magnetic field gradient

American Electronic Components, inc
3 axis TMR linear sensor

American Electronic Components, inc
TMR Gear tooth sensor with high sensitivity to magnetic field

American Electronic Components, inc
TMR Gear tooth sensor with high sensitivity to magnetic field gradient

American Electronic Components, inc
TMR High Magnetic Field Dual-Axis Angle Sensor

American Electronic Components, inc
TMR Magnetic Pattern Recognition Sensor

American Electronic Components, inc
Large Dynamic Range TMR linear sensor

American Electronic Components, inc
High Sensitivity and Low Hysteresis TMR linear sensor

American Electronic Components, inc
TMR Gear tooth sensor with high sensitivity to magnetic field

American Electronic Components, inc
TMR Gear tooth sensor with high sensitivity to magnetic field

MultiDimension Technology Co.,Ltd.
Bi-stable TMR Bipolar Magnetic Switch with Passive Memory Effect

American Electronic Components, inc
TMR Gear tooth sensor with high sensitivity to magnetic field gradient

MultiDimension Technology Co.,Ltd.
Single Channel TMR Magnetic Pattern Recognition Sensor

American Electronic Components, inc
TMR Gear tooth sensor with high sensitivity to magnetic field

American Electronic Components, inc
TMR Gear tooth sensor with high sensitivity to magnetic field gradient

MultiDimension Technology Co.,Ltd.
Bi-stable TMR Bipolar Magnetic Switch with Passive Memory Effect