Motorola => Freescale
Low-Power CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector IC with Interconnect and Temporal Horn Driver

Motorola => Freescale
Photoelectric Smoke Detector IC with I/O For Line-Powered Applications

Freescale Semiconductor
Low-Power CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector IC with Temporal Pattern Horn Driver

Freescale Semiconductor

Freescale Semiconductor
Photoelectric Smoke Detector IC with I/O For Line-Powered Applications

Freescale Semiconductor
Low-Power CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector IC with Temporal Pattern Horn Driver

Freescale Semiconductor
Photoelectric Smoke Detector IC with I/O and Temporal Pattern Horn Driver

Motorola => Freescale
Photoelectric Smoke Detector IC with I/O

Motorola => Freescale
Timing Circuits

Motorola => Freescale
Photoelectric Smoke Detector IC with I/O For Line-Powered Applications

Motorola => Freescale
Triple Gate

Motorola => Freescale
Timing Circuits

Motorola => Freescale
Low-Power CMOS Ionlzatlon Smoke Detector IC with Temporal Pattern Horn Driver

Freescale Semiconductor
Photoelectric Smoke Detector IC with I/O For Line-Powered Applications

Freescale Semiconductor
Low-Power CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector IC with Temporal Pattern Horn Driver

Freescale Semiconductor
Low-Power CMOS Ionization Smoke Detector IC with Interconnect and Temporal Horn Driver

Motorola => Freescale
Timing Circuits