Fairchild Semiconductor
60A, 600V, UFS Series N-Channel IGBT with Anti-Parallel Hyperfast Diode

75A, 1200V, NPT Series N-Channel IGBT

63A, 600V, UFS Series N-Channel IGBT with Anti-Parallel Hyperfast Diode

Fairchild Semiconductor
60A, 600V, UFS Series N-Channel IGBT with Anti-Parallel Hyperfast Diode

Harris Semiconductor
63A, 600V, UFS Series N-Channel IGBT with Anti-Parallel Hyperfast Diode

63A, 600V, UFS Series N-Channel IGBT with Anti-Parallel Hyperfast Diodes

Fairchild Semiconductor
600V, SMPS Series N-Channel IGBT

Taoglas antenna solutions
Cables and Connectors Customizable

Taoglas antenna solutions
Olympian Direct Mount Ultra Wide-Band

Taoglas antenna solutions
Olympian Direct Mount Ultra Wide-Band

Taoglas antenna solutions
Olympian Direct Mount Ultra Wide-Band