Zilog's Z86E04/E08 Microcontrollers (MCU) are One-Time Programmable (OTP) members of Zilog’s single-chip Z8® MCU family that allow easy software development, debug, prototyping, and small production runs not economically desirable with masked ROM versions.
For applications demanding powerful I/O capabilities, the Z86E04/E08's dedicated input and output lines are grouped into three ports, and are configurable under software control to provide timing, status signals, or parallel I/O.
Two on-chip counter/timers, with a large number of user selectable modes, offload the system of administering real-time tasks such as counting/timing and I/O data communications.
■ 14 Input/Output Lines
■ Six Vectored, Prioritized Interrupts (3 falling edge, 1 rising edge, 2 timers)
■ Two Analog Comparators
■ Program Options:
– Low Noise
– ROM Protect
– Auto Latch
– Watch-Dog Timer (WDT)
– EPROM/Test Mode Disable
■ Two Programmable 8-Bit Counter/Timers, Each with 6-Bit Programmable Prescaler
■ WDT/ Power-On Reset (POR)
■ On-Chip Oscillator that Accepts XTAL, Ceramic Resonance, LC, RC, or External Clock
■ Clock-Free WDT Reset
■ Low-Power Consumption (50 mw typical)
■ Fast Instruction Pointer (1µs @ 12 MHz)
■ RAM Bytes (125)