Xicor -> Intersil
The Xicor X9315 is a solid state "micropower" nonvol atile potentiometer and is ideal for digitally controlled
resistance trimming.
The X9315 is a resistor array composed of 31 resistive elements. Between each element and at either end are
tap points accessible to the wiper element. The position of the wiper element is controlled by the CS, U/D,
and INC inputs. The position of the wiper can be stored in nonvolatile memory and then be recalled upon a sub sequent power-up operation.
• Low Power CMOS
—VCC = 2.7V to 5.5V, Single Supply
—Active Current, 50µA (Increment) max
—Active Current, 400µA (Store) Max
—Standby Current, 1µA Max
• Low Noise
• 31 Resistive Elements
—Temperature Compensated
—±20% End to End Resistance Range
—VSSto VCCRange
• 32 Wiper Tap Points
—Wiper Positioned via Three-Wire Interface
—Similar to TTL Up/Down Counter
—Wiper Position Stored in Nonvolatile Memory and Recalled on Power-Up
• 100 Year Wiper Position Data Retention
• X9315Z = 1KΩ
• X9315W = 10KΩ
• Packages
—8-Lead SOIC
—8-Lead MSOP
—8-Pin DIP