Vitesse Semiconductor
The VSC8479 is a 1:16, 16:1 transceiver with integrated Clock and Data Recovery unit (CDR) and Clock Multiplier Unit (CMU) that provides the most comprehensive solution available in the industry. Continuous frequency of operation spans from 9.953 Gbps to 11.3 Gbps over full temperature range. Targeted for XFP Host ASIC SERDES, 300 pin module and DWDM line card applications, the VSC8479 provides industry leading optimization of power, performance,
programmability, price and feature integration. The 1.15 W total power dissipation enables 300 pin MSA module vendors to provide performance and functionality advantages while dropping the overall power dissipation of their existing modules. The VSC8479 is a perfect choice for XFP motherboards with proven inter-operability with all major XFP module vendors.
16:1 Mux/Demux Transceiver With Integrated Clock Multiplier Unit, and Clock and Data Recov-ery Unit with Limiting Amplifier
0.13µm CMOS Process Technology
XFI Output Compliance Mode for XFP Modules
Programmable Input Signal Bandwidth Equalization (EQ)
- Enhanced Optical Performance
- Enhanced XFI Stressed Eye Performance
Built-in Self-test Generation and Error Detection:
- Industry Standard PRBS Generation and Detection
- User Defined Patterns
Full Support for 300-Pin MSA Transponder Modules:
- Multiple Reference Clock Source Inputs and Selectable Frequencies
- Facility and Equipment Loopback Modes
- Support for Line Timing Mode with Clock Clean-up
- Loss of Lock (LOL) and FIFO Alarm Outputs
- Adjustable Loss of Signal (LOS) Alarm
Two-wire or SPI Micro-controller Serial Interface Port (selectable)
- Programmable Registers for Access to All Control/Status Signals TxRef Clock, RxRef Clock and ExRef Clock Sources
- Flexible Reference Clock Routing
- Reference Clock “Clean-up” Phase Detector
Selectable Duobinary Modulation Pre-Coder
Programmable High-speed Input Voltage Offset Adjust
High-speed Data Inversion and Low-Speed Bit Order Swap
High-speed CML Clock Output with Power Down Mode
XFP Module XFI to Host SERDES Applications
300 Pin MSA Transponder Modules
10GE and Fibre Channel to SFI-4 SERDES Applications
SONET/SDH and DWDM Systems