Aeroflex Corporation
The QCOTSTM UT7Q512 Quantified Commercial Off-theShelf product is a high-performance CMOS static RAM organized as 524,288 words by 8 bits. Easy memory expansion is provided by an active LOW Chip Enable (E), an active LOWOutput Enable (G), and three-state drivers. This device has a power-down feature that reduces power consumption by more than 90% when deselected.
❐ 100ns (5 volt supply) maximum address access time
❐ Asynchronous operation for compatibility with industry
standard 512K x 8 SRAMs
❐ TTL compatible inputs and output levels, three-state
bidirectional data bus
❐ Typical radiation performance
- Total dose: 30krad(Si)
- 30krad(Si) to 300krad(Si), depending on orbit, using
Aeroflex UTMC patented shielded package
- SEL Immune >80 MeV-cm2/mg
- LETTH(0.25) = 5MeV-cm 2/mg
- Saturated Cross Section (cm2) per bit, ~1.0E-7
- 1.5E-8 errors/bit-day, Adams 90% geosynchronous
heavy ion
❐ Packaging options:
- 32-lead ceramic flatpack (weight 2.5-2.6 grams)
❐ Standard Microcircuit Drawing5962-99606
- QML T and Q compliant