NEC => Renesas Technology
The µPD75068 is a member of the 75X series of 4-bit single-chip microcomputers.
The minimum instruction execution time of the µPD75068s CPU is 0.95 µs. In addition to this high-speed capability, the chip contains an A/D converter and furnishes high-performance functions such as the serial bus interface (SBI) function compliant with the NEC standard format, providing powerful features and high cost performance. The µPD75068(A) is a high-reliability version of the µPD75068.
NEC also provides PROM versions suitable for small-scale production or evaluation samples in system development. The µPD75P068 is the PROM version for the µPD75064, 75066, 75068, and the µPD75P068(A) is that for the µPD75064(A), 75066(A), 75068(A).
• Variable instruction execution time advantageous to high-speed operation and power-saving:
• 0.95 µs, 1.91 µs, or 15.3 µs (at 4.19 MHz with the main system clock selected)
• 122 µs (at 32.768 kHz with the subsystem clock selected)
• A/D converter (8-bit resolution, successive approximation): 8 channels
• Capable of low-voltage operation: VDD = 2.7 to 6.0 V
• Timer function: 3 channels
• On-chip NEC standard serial bus interface (SBI)
• Very low-power watch operation enabled (5 µA TYP. at 3 V)
• Pull-up resistor option allowed for 27 I/O lines
• The µPD75P068 and 75P068(A) (PROM versions) available: Capable of low-voltage operation (VDD = 2.7 to 6.0 V)
• µPD75064, 75066, 75068
Home electronic appliances, air conditioners, cameras, and electronic measuring instruments
• µPD75064(A), 75066(A), 75068(A)
Automotive electronics