California Eastern Laboratories.
The µPC8204TK is a silicon monolithic integrated circuit designed as variable gain amplifier. The package is 6-pin lead-less minimold suitable for surface mount.
This IC is manufactured using our 30 GHz fmax UHS0 (Ultra High Speed Process) silicon bipolar process. This IC is as same circuit current as conventional µPC8119T and µPC8120T, but operates at higher frequency and wider gain control range.
• Gain control range : GCR = 40 dB TYP. @ f = 1.9 GHz
: GCR = 40 dB TYP. @ f = 2.4 GHz
• Maximum power gain : GPMAX = 14.5 dB TYP. @ f = 1.9 GHz
: GPMAX = 14.0 dB TYP. @ f = 2.4 GHz
• Operating frequency : fin = 0.8 to 2.5 GHz
• Supply voltage : VCC = 2.7 to 3.3 V
• High-density surface mounting : 6-pin lead-less minimold package
• 0.8 to 2.5 GHz transmitter/receiver system (PHS, WLAN and so on)