Philips Electronics
The TZA1032 is a laser driver circuit which is intended for a wide range of recordable and re-writable optical drives. Figure 3 shows a function diagram of TZA1032 in relation to a disc recording system. The TZA1032 is intended to be located close to the laser diode on the Optical Pick-up Unit (OPU). It can be used in CD-R/RW systems with 1×, 2×, 4×, 8×, 12×, 16× and 24× (24× is not guaranteed yet: evaluation pending) speed and in DVD-R/RW systems with 1×, 2× and 4× speed (4× is not guaranteed yet). Furthermore, it is suitable for future standards like DVR.
• Separate 3.3 V digital, analog and output driver power supplies
• Selective power-down of internal functions via I2C-bus for power saving
• Low voltage-swing of the differential Run Length Limited Code (RLC) inputs for high speed transmission and good electromagnetic compatibility
• High-impedance input switching to control two or more TZA1032 ICs in parallel for double writer applications
• Supports I2C-bus interface up to 400 kbits/s with block transfer feature in slave mode only
• 3.3 and 5 V tolerant input logic
• Supports any RLC code with run lengths from 1 to 15
• Automatic write-read switching for run lengths ≥16
• Channel decoding rate up to 105 Mbits/s, according to DVD 4×
• Look back function to enable write pre-compensation by data dependent write strategy with a land-pit compensation up to five
• Supports Forced Erase (FE) mode for quick initialisation of disc
• Fixed propagation delay within RLC clock periods to allow accurate data linking on disc
• Supports CD-R, CD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW and DVR formats or any comparable existing or future format
• Programmable write strategy via I2C-bus; completely flexible up to a maximum of two output level transitions per RLC clock period
• Pulse timing resolution of 2 ns at 500 MHz internal clock
• Minimum pulse width of 4 ns at 500 MHz internal clock
• Four programmable threshold current levels with an 8-bit resolution, and eight programmable delta levels with an 8-bit resolution
• Independent laser threshold and laser delta current control
• Programmable modulation unit (Continue..)