TQ8103 数据手册 ( 数据表 ) - TriQuint Semiconductor

TriQuint Semiconductor
The TQ8103 is a monolithic clock and data recovery (CDR) IC that receives NRZ data, extracts the high-speed clock, and presents the separated data and clock as its outputs. This device is designed specifically for SONET OC-12 and SDH STM-4 applications at 622 Mb/s.
• Single-chip CDR circuit for 622 Mb/s data
• Exceeds Bellcore and ITU jitter tolerance maps
• Single-ended ECL input has loopthrough path for external 50 ohm termination to minimize stubs and reflections
• Clock and data outputs are differential ECL
• Provides complete high-speed OC-12/STM-4 solution when used with TQ8101 or TQ8105 Mux/Demux/Framer/PLL
• External loop filter requires simple passive network
• Maintains clock in absence of data
• 28-pin leaded chip carrier
• Can be used with a high-speed external clock
Page Link's:
155/622 Mb/s Clock and Data Recovery IC with Integrated Limiting Amplifier
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155/622 Mb/s Clock and Data Recovery IC with Integrated Limiting Amp ( Rev : RevA )
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622 Mbps Clock and Data Recovery IC ( Rev : Rev0 )
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HP => Agilent Technologies