TND017SW 数据手册 ( 数据表 ) - SANYO -> Panasonic

SANYO -> Panasonic
Lowside Power Switch Lamp, Solenoid, and Motor-Driving Applications
· N-channel MOSFET built in.
· Overheat protection.
· Overcurrent protection.(Self recovery type current limiting function)
· Overvoltage protection.
· TND017SW incorporates two sets of circuit.
ExPD (Excellent Power Device)
SANYO -> Panasonic
ExPD (Excellent Power Device)
SANYO -> Panasonic
Quasi-Resonant Switching Power Supply ExPD(Excellent Power Device)
SANYO -> Panasonic
Quasi-Resonant Switching Power Supply ExPD
SANYO -> Panasonic
Excellent clamping capability
DIYI Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Excellent HFE Linearity HFE ( Rev : V2 )
Guilin Strong Micro-Electronics Co., Ltd.
Excellent HFE Linearity HFE ( Rev : V2 )
Guilin Strong Micro-Electronics Co., Ltd.
Excellent HFE Linearity HFE ( Rev : V2 )
Guilin Strong Micro-Electronics Co., Ltd.
Excellent DC current gain characteristics
SHIKE Electronics
Excellent capability of absorbing transient surge