Transistor Inverters
Inverter for Air Conditioners
IGBT Gate Drivers
Power MOSFET Gate Drivers
The TOSHIBA TLP250F(INV) consists of a GaAℓAs light emitting diode optically coupled to an integrated photodetector and is housed in an 8-pin DIP package.
The TLP250F(INV) is suitable for gate driving circuitry of IGBTs or power MOSFETs.
Absolute maximum ratings and electrical characteristics are the same as those of the TLP250(INV) and listed in its datasheet.
• Input threshold current: IF = 5 mA (max)
• Supply current : 11 mA (max)
• Supply voltage : 10 V to 35 V
• Output current : ±1.5 A (max)
• Switching time : tpHL, tpLH = 0.5 μs (max)
• Isolation voltage : 2500 Vrms (min)
• UL recognized : UL1577, file no. E67349
• Option (D4) type
VDE approved: DIN EN 60747-5-2, certificate No. 40011913
Maximum operating insulation voltage: 1140 VPK
Maximum permissible overvoltage: 6000 VPK
(Note 1) When an EN 60747-5-2 approved type is needed, please designate the “ Option (D4) ”.
• Structural parameter
Creepage distance: 8.0 mm (min)
Clearance: 8.0 mm (min)