Philips Electronics
The TDA8002 is a complete low-power, analog interface for asynchronous and synchronous cards. It can be placed between the card and the microcontroller. It performs all supply, protection and control functions. It is directly compatible with ISO 7816, GSM11.11 and EMV specifications.
• Single supply voltage interface (3.3 or 5 V environment)
• Low-power sleep mode
• Three specific protected half-duplex bidirectional buffered I/O lines
• VCC regulation (5 V±5%, ICC<65 mA at VDD= 5 V, with controlled rise and fall times
• Thermal and short-circuit protections with current limitations
• Automatic ISO 7816 activation and deactivation sequences
• Enhanced ESD protections on card side (>6 kV)
• Clock generation for the card up to 12 MHz with synchronous frequency changes
• Clock generation up to 20 MHz (auxiliary clock)
• Synchronous and asynchronous cards (memory and smart cards)
• ISO 7816, GSM11.11 compatibility and EMV (Europay, Mastercard, Visa) compliant
• Step-up converter for VCCgeneration
• Supply supervisor for spikes elimination and emergency deactivation.