Philips Electronics
The TDA8001 is a complete, low-cost analog interface which can be positioned between an asynchronous smart card (ISO 7816) and a microcontroller. It is directly compatible with the new Datacom chip verifier.
• Protected I/O line
• VCC regulation (5 V ±5%, 100 mA max. with controlled rise and fall times)
• VPP generation (12.5, 15 or 21 V ±2.5%, 50 mA max., with controlled rise and fall times) (only at TDA8001 and TDA8001T)
• Clock generation (up to 10 MHz), with synchronous frequency doubling
• Overload, thermal and card extraction protections
• Current limitation in case of short-circuit
• Idle mode and special circuitry for spikes killing during powering on and off
• Two voltage supervisors (digital and analog supplies)
• Automatic activation and deactivation sequences through an independent internal clock
• Enhanced ESD protections on card side (4 kV min.)
• Easy chaining for multiple card readers
• ISO 7816 compatibility.
• Pay TV (multistandards conditional access system, videoguard, newscript)
• Multi-application smart card readers (banking, vending machine, electronic payment identification).