TCBZT55B68 数据手册 ( 数据表 ) - Tak Cheong Electronics (Holdings) Co.,Ltd

Tak Cheong Electronics (Holdings) Co.,Ltd
Specification Features:
▪ Zener Voltage Range 2.0 to 75 Volts
▪ Quadro mini-MELF Package
▪ Surface Device Type Mounting
▪ Hermetically Sealed Glass
▪ Compression Bonded Construction
▪ All External Surfaces Are Corrosion Resistant And Termianls are readily solderable
▪ RoHS Compliant
▪ Matte Tin (Sn) Terminal Finish
▪ Color Band Indicates Negative Polarity
500 mW Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators ( Rev : V_A07 )
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500 mW Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators ( Rev : V_A07 )
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500 mW Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators
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500 mW LL-34 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators
Tak Cheong Electronics (Holdings) Co.,Ltd
500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators ( Rev : 2010 )
Tak Cheong Electronics (Holdings) Co.,Ltd
500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators
Tak Cheong Electronics (Holdings) Co.,Ltd
500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators ( Rev : 2006 )
Tak Cheong Electronics (Holdings) Co.,Ltd