STV0676 co-processor general description
The STV0676 is a digital video processor requiring no external RAM and a minimum of passive support components to provide a complete USB camera. STV0676 accepts raw digital video data from a ST VGA or CIF format CMOS sensor and is capable of transferring the resulting JPEG data to a host PC over USB at rates up to 30 frames per second VGA.
The internal STV0676 architecture consists of a number of separate functional blocks:
● Video processor (VP)
● Video compressor (VC)
● USB control block
● General purpose controller
The VP controls the sensor and processes the raw RGB pixel data into YCbCr images.
This YCbCr data is compressed by the VC.
The USB control block transfers the compressed data to the host PC.
■ Real-time video - up to 30fps VGA
■ USB 1.1 compliant
■ Motion-JPEG compression
■ Isochronous USB data transfer
■ Direct Show driver support
■ Programmable vendor ID
■ RGB-preview, YCrCb or M-JPEG video output
■ Automatic exposure, gain and white balance
USB camera:
- Biometric identification, toys and games
Embedded applications support:
- PDA, notebook PC, mobile phone
- Set top box, and security applications