STK4162II 数据手册 ( 数据表 ) - Inchange Semiconductor

Inchange Semiconductor
﹒the STK4162Ⅱseries and STK4101V series (high-grade type) are pin-campatible in the out-
put range of 6 to 50W and enable easy design
﹒Built-in muting circuit to cut off various kinds of pop noise
﹒Greatly reduced heat sink due to substrate temperature 125℃guaranteed
﹒Excellent cost performance

AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply)
Inchange Semiconductor
AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply)
Inchange Semiconductor
AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply)
Inchange Semiconductor
2ch AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply)
Inchange Semiconductor
2ch AF Power Amplifier(Split Power Supply)
Inchange Semiconductor
2ch AF Power Amplifier(Split Power Supply)
Inchange Semiconductor
2Ch AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply)
SANYO -> Panasonic
2ch AF Power Amplifier(Split Power Supply)
Inchange Semiconductor
AF power amplifier (80W+80W) - Split Power Supply
SANYO -> Panasonic
150 W min AF Power Amplifier (Split Power Supply)
SANYO -> Panasonic