Optoway Technology
The SPS- 9110VW-2RG is a dual channel optical single mode receiver module designed to receive optical serial digital signals as defined in SMPTE 297-2006. It supports from 50 Mbps t o 3 Gbps and i s specifically designed for received the SMPTE 259M, SMPTE 344M, SMPTE 292M and SMPTE 424M SDI pathological patt erns. It is with the SFP 20-pin connector to allow hot plug capability . Digital diagnostic functions are available via an I2C.
SMPTE 297-2006 Compliant
Speed f rom 50 Mbps t o 3Gbps
Support Vi deo Pat hological Pat terns for SD-SDI, HD- SDI and 3G-SDI
Dual Receiver with Duplex LC
Based on Industry Standard SFP
SFF- 8472 Digital Diagnostic Function
Single +3. 3 V Power Supply
RoHS- 6 Compliant
0 to 70°C Operation
Hot Pluggable