Signal Processing Technologies
The SP488 and SP489 are low–power quad differential line receivers meeting RS-485 and RS-422 standards. The SP488 features a common receiver enable control; the SP489 provides independent receiver enable controls for each pair of receivers. Both feature tri–state outputs and wide common– mode input range. The receivers have a fail–safe feature which forces a logic “1” output when receiver inputs are left floating. Both are available in 16–pin plastic DIP and SOIC packages.
■ RS-485 or RS-422 Applications
■ Quad Differential Line Receivers
■ Tri–state Output Control
■ 120ns Typical Receiver Propagation Delays
■ –7V to +12V Common Mode Input Range
■ 1mA Supply Current
■ Single +5V Supply Operation
■ Pin Compatible with SN75173, SN75175, LTC488 and LTC489