SINOWEALTH Electronic Ltd
General Description
The SH88F6161/SH88F6162 is a high performance 8051 compatible micro-controller, regard to its build-in Pipe-line instruction fetch structure, that helps the SH88F6161/SH88F6162 can perform more fast operation speed and higher calculation performance, comparing with standard 8051 at same clock speed.
■ 8 bits micro-controller with Pipe-line structured 8051
compatible instruction set
■ Flash ROM: 64K Bytes
■ ISP ROM: 1K Bytes
■ RAM: internal 256 Bytes, external 2816 Bytes
■ EEPROM-Like:bulid-in 2048 Bytes
■ 5 Bytes MCU identification number to be readable
■ The highest CPU frequency up to 24M
■ Operation Voltage: VDD = 2.0V - 5.5V
■ Oscillator (code option):
- High frequency Crystal oscillator: 2MHZ-12MHZ
- low frequency Crystal oscillator: 32.768kHz
- internal frequency Ceramic oscillator: 12MHz
- Internal low frequency RC oscillator: 128KHz
- PLL oscillator: four times
■ 61 CMOS bi-directional I/O pins
■ Built-in pull-up resistor for input pin
■ Two 16-bit timer/counters T2 and T3
■ Four PCA, of which the PCA0, PCA2, PCA3 each
containing two comparison/capture moudles, PCA1 has
three comparative/capture moudles
■ 10 External interrupt sources
■ Powerful interrupt sources:
- Timer2, 3, PCA0, 1, 2, 3
- INT2, 3 INT40-47
■ LCD driver:
- 4 X 40dots (1/4 duty 1/3 bias)
- 5 X 39 dots (1/5 duty 1/3 bias)
- 6 X 38 dots (1/6 duty 1/3 bias)
■ LED driver: 10 X 8dots
■ Two Enhanced UART (EUART) with own baud
rate generator
■ Built-in regulator
- Output: 3.3V
■ 12-bit 1M spsSAR Analog Digital Converter
- built-in 1.5V/2.5V reference voltage
- 12 external analog inputs
■ 12-bit voltage type DAC digital-to-analog
- 12-bit Accuracy
- 1 channel
■ The Universal Serial Bus (USB)
- Compatible with USB2.0 (Full speed 12Mbps)
- Support control, interrupt and buck data transfer
- Support 3 endpoints: (EP0, EP1, EP2)
■ Built-in operational Amplifier (OP)
■ SPI (Master/slave Mode)
■ TWI (I2C Interface)
■ Built-in low voltage Reset (LVR) function (code
- LVR Voltage: 2.1v
- LVR Voltage: 2.7v
- LVR Voltage: 3.7v
- LVR Voltage: 4.1v
■ CPU Machine period: 1 oscillator clock
■ Built-in Watch Dog Timer (WDT) (code option)
■ Built-in oscillator Warm-up timer
■ Support Low power operation modes:
- Idle Mode
- Power-Down Mode
■ Flash Type
■ Package: LQFP64, TQFP48