SINOWEALTH Electronic Ltd
General Description
The SH88F2051B/88F4051B is a high performance 8051 compatible micro-controller, regard to its build-in Pipe-line instruction fetch structure, that helps the SH88F2051B/88F4051B can perform more fast operation speed and higher calculation performance, if compare SH88F2051B/88F4051B with standard 8051 at same clock speed.
■ 8bits micro-controller with Pipe-line structured 8051
compatible instruction set
■ Flash ROM: 4K/8K Bytes
■ RAM: internal 256 Bytes, external 256 Bytes
■ EEPROM-like: 512 Bytes
■ Operation Voltage:
fOSC = 30kHz - 16.6MHz, VDD = 2.8V - 5.5V
■ Oscillator (code option)
- Crystal oscillator: 32.768kHz
- Crystal oscillator: 4MHz - 16.6MHz
- Ceramic oscillator:2MHz - 16.6MHz
- Internal RC: 16.6MHz (±2%)
- External clock: 30kHz - 16.6MHz
■ 14/18 CMOS bi-directional I/O pins
■ 5/7 sink ability large mode pins
■ Three 16-bit timer/counters T0, T1and T2
■ Powerful interrupt sources:
- Timer0, 1, 2
- INT0, 1, 2
■ One 8-bit PWM
■ Built-in comparator
■ Low voltage detect (LPD)
■ 6/8 channels 10-bits Analog Digital Converter
(ADC), with comparator function built-in
■ Low Voltage Reset (LVR) function (enabled by
code option)
- LVR voltage level 1: 4.1V
- LVR voltage level 2: 3.7V
- LVR voltage level 3: 2.8V
■ CPU Machine cycle: 1 oscillator clock
■ Watch Dog Timer (WDT)
■ Warm-up Timer
■ System Clock Monitor (SCM)
■ Support Low power operation modes
- Idle Mode
- Power-Down Mode
■ Low power consumption
■ Flash Type
■ Package:
- SH88F2051B: DIP/SOP/TSSOP20Pin
SOP16 Pin
- SH88F4051B: TSSOP20Pin