Fairchild Semiconductor
The highly integrated SG6741 PWM controller provides several features to enhance the performance of flyback
The highly integrated SG6741 series of PWM controllers provides several features to enhance the performance of flyback converters.
High-Voltage Startup
Low Operating Current: 4mA
Linearly Decreasing PWM Frequency to 22kHz
Frequency Hopping to Reduce EMI Emission
Peak-Current-Mode Control
Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting
Leading-Edge Blanking
Synchronized Slope Compensation
Gate Output Maximum Voltage Clamp: 18V
VDDOver-Voltage Protection (Auto Restart)
VDDUnder-Voltage Lockout (UVLO)
Internal Open-Loop Protection
Constant Power Limit (Full AC Input Range)
General-purpose switch-mode power supplies and flyback power converters, including:
Power Adapters
Open-Frame SMPS