SFH207 数据手册 ( 数据表 ) - Siemens AG

Siemens AG
The SFH 207 is a silicon photodiode fabricated in planar PIN technology. The silicon material used results in a positive front and negative back contact. These photodetectors can be used as a diode (with reverse voltage) as well as a voltaic cell.
Applications include industrial electronics, measurement and control.
Silicon PIN Photodiode
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Silicon PIN Photodiode ( Rev : 2000 )
Vishay Semiconductors
Silicon PIN Photodiode
Vishay Semiconductors
Silicon PIN Photodiode ( Rev : 2011 )
Vishay Semiconductors
Silicon PIN Photodiode
Vishay Semiconductors
Silicon PIN Photodiode
Vishay Semiconductors
Silicon PIN Photodiode
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PIN Silicon Photodiode
Optek Technology
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Silicon PIN Photodiode ( Rev : 1999 )
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