Philips Electronics
The SAA7346 can be used to make a CD player insensitive to shocks. To do this, SAA7346 operates closely with a standard 1 Mbit or 4 Mbit DRAM. Audio data is stored inside the DRAM and during shocks the data of the DRAM can be played. The SAA7346 functions as a customized DRAM controller with serial I/O and on-board shock detectors.
• Absorbs shocks from x, y and z directions
• Absorbs rotational shocks
• Absorbs multiple shocks per second
• Interfaces directly to compact disc decoders SAA7345, SAA7347 and SAA7370
• Multi-speed I2S-bus input with single-speed I2S-bus output
• Controls 1 or 4 MBit of external Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM)
• Easy serial interface for communication with common microcontrollers
• Software selectable shock detectors
• By-pass/power-down mode
• Kill interface for DAC deactivation
• Can be used for:
– ‘sampling’ part of a disc
– to reduce access pauses between jumps
– to deliver a programmable delay
– to generate a fixed audio rate from Constant Angular Velocity (CAV) discs.