PE4274-EK 数据手册 ( 数据表 ) - Peregrine Semiconductor Corp.

Peregrine Semiconductor Corp.
Product Description
The PE4274 is an SPDT UltraCMOS™ Switch designed for Broadband applications such as CATV, DTV, Multi-Tuner DVR (Digital Video Recorder), Set-top Box, PCTV and Game Boxes. It offers high isolation and low insertion loss in both a powered and a unique unpowered default state. The PE4274 covers a broad frequency range from near DC to beyond 2.2 GHz with a single positive supply and CMOS control. The PE4274 provides a smaller, cost effective, more reliable and manufacturable alternative to mechanical relays in some set-top box applications.
• Unpowered operational state
• All-Off terminated state
• CTB performance of 90dBc
• High isolation 63 dB at 1 GHz
• Low insertion loss: typically 0.5 dB at 5 MHz, 0.8 dB at 1 GHz
• CMOS two-pin control
• Single +3 volt supply operation
• 1 kV ESD
• Low current consumption: 8 µA
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