NTE Electronics
• Suitable for Use in AM/FM Portable Radios or Main–fed AM/FM Clock Radios.
• Incorporates AM RF Amp, AM Local Oscillator, AM Mixer, AM/FM IF Amp, AM/FM Detector, AM AGC Circuit, FM AFC Circuit and B Class–Audio Power Amplifier.
• Using the NTE1624, Plus the Discrete Input Stage (for FM: RF Amp and Converter), It is Possible to Construct a Complete AM/FM Radios Receivers.
• Wide Operating Voltage Range: 3V to Approx 13V, Depending on the Internal Regulator Tolerance.
• As the Internal Shunt Voltage Regulator Circuit is Connected to the Supply Voltage Terminal, it Permits a Constant Current Mode (Approximately 42mA) of Operation which is Desirable for Line–Operated Equipments.
• AM to FM Switching is Accomplished by Switching Only DC Circuitry.