Maxim Integrated
General Description
Maxim’s MX584 is a temperature-compensated, bandgap voltage reference which provides pin-programmable output voltages of +10.00V, +7.50V, +5.00V, and +2.50V. External components are not required for these outputs, but if other voltages are desired, they can be programmed with external resistors. Laser trimming minimizes output error as well as temperature drift, to as low as 10mV and 15ppm/°C with the MX584K.
♦ +10.0V, +7.5V, +5.0V, +2.5V Programmable Outputs
♦ ±10mV Tolerance at +10V (MX584K)
♦ Low Tempco: 15ppm/°C, max (MAX584K)
♦ No External Components or Trims
♦ Short-Circuit Proof
♦ Output Sources and Sinks Current
♦ 10mA Output Current
CMOS DAC Reference
A/D Converter Reference
Measurement Instrumentation
Data Loggers
Precision Analog Systems
Programmable Offset for PGAs