Myson Century Inc
MTV030 is designed for monitor applications to display built-in characters or fonts onto monitor screens. The display operation occurs by transferring data and control information from the micro-controller to RAM through a serial data interface. It can execute full-screen display automatically, as well as specific functions such as character back ground, bordering, shadowing, blinking, double height and width, font by font color control, frame positioning, frame size control by character height and row-to-row spacing, horizontal display resolution, full-screen erasing, fade-in/fade-out effect, windowing effect, shadowing on window and full-screen self-test pattern generator.
• Horizontal SYNC input up to 150 KHz.
• On-chip PLL circuitry up to 150 MHz.
• Minimum timing measurement among HFLB, VFLB, RIN, GIN and BIN for auto sizing.
• Full screen self-test pattern generator.
• Programmable Hor. resolutions up to 1524 dots per line.
• Full-screen display consists of 15 (rows) by 30 (columns)
• Two font size 12x16 or 12x18 dot matrix per character.
• True totally 512 mask ROM fonts including 496 standard fonts and 16 multi-color fonts.
• Double character height and/or width control.
• Programmable positioning for display screen center.
• Character bordering, shadowing and blinking effect.
• Programmable character height (18 to 71 lines) control.
• Row to row spacing control to avoid expansion distortion.
• 4 programmable windows with multi-level operation.
• Shadowing on windows with programmable shadow width/height/color.
• Programmable adaptive approach to handle H, V sync collision automatically by hardware.
• Software clears bit for full-screen erasing.
• Fade-in/fade-out or blending-in/blending-out effects.
• 5-channel/8-bit PWM D/A converter output.
• Compatible with SPI bus or I2C interface with slave address 7AH/7BH (slave address is mask option).
• 16-pin, 20-pin or 24-pin PDIP package.