Zarlink Semiconductor Inc
The MT88E45B is a low power CMOS integrated circuit suitable for receiving the physical layer signals used in North American (Bellcore) Calling Identity Delivery on Call Waiting (CIDCW) and Calling Identity Delivery (CID) services. It is also suitable for ETSI and BT Calling LineIdentity Presentation (CLIP) and CLIP with Call Waiting services.
• Compatible with:
• Bellcore GR-30-CORE, SR-TSV-002476,ANSI/TIA/EIA-716, TIA/EIA-777;
• ETSI ETS 300 778-1 (FSK only variant) & -2;
• BT (British Telecom) SIN227 & SIN242
• Bellcore ‘CPE Alerting Signal’ (CAS), ETSI ‘Dual Tone Alerting Signal’ (DT-AS), BT Idle State and Loop State ‘Tone Alert Signal’ detection
• 1200 baud Bell 202 and CCITT V.23 FSK demodulation
• Separate differential input amplifiers with adjustable gain for Tip/Ring and telephone hybrid or speech IC connections
• Selectable 3-wire FSK data interface (bit stream or 1 byte buffer)
• Facility to monitor the stop bit for framing error check
• FSK Carrier detect status output
• 3 to 5V +/- 10% supply voltage
• Uses 3.579545 MHz crystal or ceramic resonator
• Low power CMOS with power down
• Bellcore CID (Calling Identity Delivery) and CIDCW (Calling Identity Delivery on Call Waiting) telephones and adjuncts
• ETSI, BT CLIP (Calling Line Identity Presentation) and CLIP with Call Waiting telephones and adjuncts
• Fax and answering machines
• Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) systems