Mosel Vitelic Corporation
The MSS0306 is a monolithic CMOS VLSI ASIC that can memorize voice up to 3.5 seconds (at 6KHz S.R.) using MOSEL qualified coding method (MPCM-4) in 8 sections. Both the volume and pitch can be different for each entry each sentence. 3 versatile outputs are available through programmable logic array. Most of the necessary circuit are built in like oscillator, ROM, DAC and interface logic. Customer voice data will be edited and built in by mask programming during the device fabrication.
■ Single power supply can operate at 2.4V through 4.5V.
■ Current output can drive 8 ohm speaker with a transistor.
■ The voice content is stored up to 3.5 seconds (5100h) and can be separated to 8 sections.
■ Five trigger input pins are provided. Each trigger pin can access a sentence instead of a simple section. A sentence is composed of one or more sections, or table entries.
■ Duration of sections with appended memory-less mute is up to 22 seconds (20000h).
■ Higher key priority is provided.
■ Last key priority is provided.
■ Up to 192 table entries for all sentences.
■ Auto ramp up / ramp down & sleep functions are built in.
■ Playnext OKY is provided optionally chipwise.
■ Continuous S.W.A.I. OKY is provided optionally chipwise.
■ Home S.W.A.I. OKY is provided optionally chipwise.
■ Off LED when Playing audio is provided optionally entrywise.
■ 3/6/12 Hz Ring LED when playing audio is provided optionally entrywise.
■ Dynamic flash LED when playing audio is provided optionally entrywise.
■ 3Hz fix flash LED when playing audio is provided optionally entrywise.
■ 6Hz fix flash LED when playing audio is provided optionally entrywise.
■ On LED when playing audio is provided optionally entrywise.
■ High busy when playing audio is provided optionally entrywise.
■ Low busy when playing audio is povided optionally entrywise.
■ DC high (when playing audio and lasting to next trigger) is provided optionally entrywise.
■ DC low(when playing audio and lasting to next trigger) is provided optionally entrywise.
■ Low Stop after playing audio is provided optionally entrywise.
■ High Stop after playing audio is provided optionally entrywise.
■ OKYs sentences could be different from those from TGS.
■ 8 loudness levels are provided entrywise.
■ 8 different pitches are provided entrywise.
■ Edge trigger is provided optionally triggerwise.
■ Level trigger is provided optionally triggerwise.
■ Holdable output by TG is provided optionally triggerwise.
■ Retriggerrable TG by itself is provided optionally triggerwise.
■ High trigger is provided optionally triggerwise.
■ Low trigger is provided optionally trigger wise.