Freescale Semiconductor
RF Power Field Effect Transistors
N- Channel Enhancement- Mode Lateral MOSFETs
Designed for digital and analog cellular PCN and PCS base station applications with frequencies from 1000to 2500 MHz. Characterized for operation Class A and Class AB at 26volts in commercial and industrial applications.
• Specified Two- Tone Performance @ 1930 and 2000 MHz, 26 Volts
Output Power ó 4 Watts PEP
Power Gain ó 11 dB
Efficiency ó 30%
Intermodulation Distortion ó - 29 dBc
• Capable of Handling 10:1 VSWR, @ 26 Vdc, 2000 MHz, 4 Watts CW Output Power
• Excellent Thermal Stability
• Characterized with Series Equivalent Large- Signal Impedance Parameters
• S- Parameter Characterization at High Bias Levels
• RoHS Compliant
• Available in Tape and Reel. R1 Suffix = 500 Units per 12 mm, 7 inch Reel.