Panasonic Corporation
MN101CB6 Series
■ Interrupts
RESET. Watchdog. External 0 to 4. Timer 0 to 3. Timer 7 (2 systems).
Time base. Serial 0 (2 systems). A/D conversion finish
■ Timer Counter
8-bit timer × 5
Timer 0 ..................Square-wave/8-bit PWM output. Event count.
Simple pulse width measurement. Added pulse (2-bit) type PWM
output. Square-wave/PWM output to large current terminal P35 possible
Timer 1 ..................Serial 0 baud rate timer
Timer 2 ..................Square-wave output. Added pulse (2-bit) type PWM output.
PWM output. Event count. Simple pulse width
measurement. Serial 0 baud rate timer.
Square-wave/PWM output to large current terminal P34 possible
Timer 3 ..................Interval timer
Timer 6 ..................8-bit freerun timer
Timer 0, 1 can be cascade-connected
Timer 2, 3 can be cascade-connected
16-bit timer × 1
Timer 7 ..................Square-wave output. 16-bit PWM output
(cycle/duty continuous variable). Event count. Pulse width measurement.
Input capture. Square-wave/PWM output to large current terminal P33 possible
Time base timer: One-minute count setting
Watchdog timer × 1
Watchdog timer 2 × 1
■ Serial interface
Synchronous type/UART (full-duplex) × 1: Serial 0
■ I/O Pins
I/O 17 : Common use. Specified pull-up resistor available.
Input/output selectable (bit unit)
■ A/D converter
10-bit × 5 channels (with S/H)
■ Special Ports
High-current drive port
■ ROM Correction
Correcting address designation: Up to 3 addresses possible
■ Gain Amplifier
2 channels
■ Reference Power Supply Output
1.7 V: Output to REF17 terminal possible. Supply to A/D converter input,
A/D converter reference voltage and a reference power for
Double Booster Circuit possible
■ Double Booster Circuit
Counle boosts REF17 terminal input voltage
or Reference Power Supply Output
■ Reset
Automatic Reset
■ Internal oscillation
High speed: 8 MHz. Low speed: 20 kHz