Freescale Semiconductor
The MC68HC05L5 is an 80-pin microcontroller unit (MCU) with highly sophisticated on-chip peripheral functions. The memory map includes 8 Kbytes of user ROM and 256 bytes of static RAM. The MCU has five parallel ports: A, B, C, D, and E. The MC68HC05L5 includes a timebase circuit, 8- and 16-bit timers, a computer operating properly (COP) watchdog timer, liquid crystal display (LCD) drivers, and a simple serial peripheral interface (SSPI).
Features of the MC68HC05L5 MCU include:
• Low-cost HC05 core
• 8,208 bytes of user ROM and 256 bytes of user static RAM
• General-purpose data pins:
– 14 bidirectional pins
– 10 input/ouptut-only pins
– 15 output-only pins, including 8-bit key wakeup interrupts
• Pullup resistors options
• Open-drain outputs options
• Two interrupt request (IRQ) inputs
• 16-bit timer with input capture and output compare (timer 1)
• 8-bit event counter/modulus clock divider (timer 2)
• Simple serial peripheral interface (SSPI)
• LCD drivers — 1-to-4 backplane drivers x 27-to-39 frontplane drivers
• On-chip timebase circuits with COP watchdog timer and timebase interrupts
• Dual oscillators and selectable system clock frequency
• Power-saving stop mode and wait mode
• 80-pin quad flat pack (QFP) package