The MB89580B/BW series is a line of general-purpose, single-chip microcontrollers. In addition to a compact
instruction set, these microcontrollers contain a variety of peripheral functions, such as PLL clock control, timers, a serial interface, a PWM timer, and the USB function. In particular, these microcontrollers contain one USB function channel to support both full and low speeds.
• Package type
64-pin LQFP package (0.5 mm and 0.65 mm pitch)
• High-speed operations at low voltage
Minimum execution time : 0.33 µs (Automatically generates a 12 MHz main clock and a 48 MHz USB interface synchronization clock with an externally supplied 6 MHz clock and the internal PLL circuit.)
• F2MC-8L CPU core
Instruction set that is optimum to the controllers
-Multiplication and division instructions
-16-bit arithmetic operations
-branch instructions by bit testing
-bit manipulation instructions, etc.
• PLL clock control
The internal PLL clock circuit allows the use of low-speed clocks which are advantageous to noise characteristics. (6 MHz externally-supplied clock→12 MHz internal system clock)
• Various timers
8-bit PWM timer (can be used as either 8-bit PWM timer × 2 channels or PPG timer × 1 channel) Internal 21-bit timebase timer
• Internal USB transceiver circuit (Compatible with full and low speeds)
• USB function
Compliant to USB Protocol Revision 1.0
Support for both low and full speeds (selectable)
Allows four endpoints to be specified at maximum.
Types of transfer supported : control/interrupt/bulk/isochronous
Built-in DMAC (Maps the buffer for each endpoint on to the internal RAM to directly access the memory for
function’s send and receive data.)
• UART/serial interface
Built-in UART/SIO function (selectable by switching)
• External interrupt
External interrupt (level detection × 8 channels)
Eight inputs are independent of one another and can also be used for resetting from low-power consumption mode (the L-level detection feature available) .
• Low power consumption (standby mode supported)
Stop mode (There is almost no current consumption since oscillation stops.)
Sleep mode (This mode stops the running CPU.)
• A maximum of 53 general-purpose I/O ports
General-purpose I/O ports (CMOS) : 34
General-purpose output ports (CMOS) : 8
General-purpose I/O ports (Nch open drain) : 3
General-purpose input ports (CMOS 3.3 V input-compatible) : 8
• Parallel ports
Also serve as eight of the general-purpose I/O ports (CMOS)
Interrupt function available
Allows asynchronous read and write by external signals
• Power supply
Supply voltage : 3.0 V to 5.5 V