Maxim Integrated
General Description
The MAX32620 and MAX32621 evaluation kits (EV kits) provide a convenient platform for evaluating the capabilities of the MAX32620 and MAX32621 microcontrollers, respectively. While the MAX32620 EV kit includes a MAX32620 soldered directly to the board, the MAX32621 EV kit features a socketed MAX32621. Each EV kit also provides a complete, functional system ideal for development and debugging applications. Except where stated otherwise, the following sections apply to both EV kits.
Benefits and Features
● Easily Load and Debug Code Using the Supplied
Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H JTAG Debugger Connected
Through a Standard 20-Pin ARM JTAG Header
● Headers for Accessing the IC’s Pins and Analog
Front End (AFE) Input Signals
● Micro-USB Type-B Connection to the IC’s USB
Device Controller
● Micro-USB Type-B Connection to USB-UART Bridge
Selectable Between the IC’s Internal UART 0 and
● On-Board Bluetooth® 4.0 BLE Transceiver with Chip