SANYO -> Panasonic
The LV4985VH has a 2-channel power circuit amplifier including an electronic volume control built in. It has a function for switching the headphone driver and also has a standby function to reduce the current drain. It is a power amplifier IC optimal for driving the speakers used in portable equipment and low power output equipment.
• 2-cannels BTL power amplifier built-in : Standard output power = 1.2W (VCC = 5V, RL = 8Ω, THD = 10%)
Output coupling capacitor is unnecessary because of differential output type.
• Volume function built-in (variable range: 69dB standard), DC voltage control system
• Mute function built-in (shared with VOL-min)
• Standby function built-in (three-value control ⇒ Shared with the second amplifier stop control pin) :
Standard standby current = 0.01μA (VCC = 5V)
• Second amplifier stop control function built-in (three-value control ⇒ Shared with the standby pin) :
Headphone driver switch (for BTL/SE switch)
Simple MUTE (Only BTL power amplifier path)
• Thermal protection circuit built-in
• Operation supply voltage range : VCC = 4.5V to 5.5V
• Output phase compensation capacitor not necessary
Portable DVD players, active speakers, compact LCD-TVs/LCD monitors, notebook PCs and more.