Linear Technology
The LTC®3459 is a low current, high efficiency synchronous boost converter intended for low power, size constrained portable applications. The LTC3459 can be powered from a single lithium ion battery, a 2- to 3-cell stack of alkaline or nickel batteries, or any low impedance voltage source between 1.5V and 5.5V. The output is programmable via an external divider between 2.5V and 10V. Although the part is primarily intended for boost applications, VOUT will maintain regulation below VIN (at reduced efficiency).
■ Small Solution Size
■ >85% Effi ciency over Wide Load Range
■ Internal Synchronous Rectifi er
■ VIN Range: 1.5V to 5.5V
■ 5V at 30mA from 3.3V Input
■ 3.3V at 20mA from 2 AA Cell Input
■ Programmable Output Voltages Up to 10V
■ Burst Mode® Operation
■ Inrush Current Limiting
■ Output Disconnect in Shutdown
■ Ultralow Quiescent (10μA) and Shutdown (<1μA) Currents
■ Low Profi le 2mm × 2mm DFN, 2mm × 3mm DFN or SOT-23 Package
■ General Purpose Micropower Boost
■ Digital Cameras
■ PDAs
■ LCD Bias
■ Small OLED Displays
■ Supercap Charging