Linear Technology
The LTC1286/LTC1298 are micropower, 12-bit, succes sive approximation sampling A/D converters. They typically draw only 250µA of supply current when converting and automatically power down to a typical supply current of 1nA whenever they are not performing conversions.
They are packaged in 8-pin SO packages and operate on 5V to 9V supplies. These 12-bit, switched-capacitor, suc cessive approximation ADCs include sample-and-holds. The LTC1286 has a single differential analog input. The LTC1298 offers a software selectable 2-channel MUX.
On-chip serial ports allow efficient data transfer to a wide range of microprocessors and microcontrollers over three wires. This, coupled with micropower consumption, makes remote location possible and facilitates transmitting data through isolation barriers.
These circuits can be used in ratiometric applications or with an external reference. The high impedance analog inputs and the ability to operate with reduced spans (to 1.5V full scale) allow direct connection to sensors and transducers in many applications, eliminating the need for gain stages.
■ 12-Bit Resolution
■ 8-Pin SOIC Plastic Package
■ Low Cost
■ Low Supply Current: 250µA Typ.
■ Auto Shutdown to 1nA Typ.
■ Guaranteed ±3/4LSB Max DNL
■ Single Supply 5V to 9V Operation
■ On-Chip Sample-and-Hold
■ 60µs Conversion Time
■ Sampling Rates:
12.5 ksps (LTC1286)
11.1 ksps (LTC1298)
■ I/O Compatible with SPI, Microwire, etc.
■ Differential Inputs (LTC1286)
■ 2-Channel MUX (LTC1298)
■ 3V Versions Available: LTC1285/LTC1288
■ Battery-Operated Systems
■ Remote Data Acquisition
■ Battery Monitoring
■ Handheld Terminal Interface
■ Temperature Measurement
■ Isolated Data Acquisition