Linear Technology
The LTC®1278 is a 1.6µs, 500ksps, sampling 12-bit A/D converter that draws only 75mW from a single 5V or ±5V supplies. This easy-to-use device comes complete with a 200ns sample-and-hold, a precision reference and an internally trimmed clock. Unipolar and bipolar conversion modes add to the flexibility of the ADC. The low power dissipation is made even more attractive by a 8.5mW power-down feature. Instant wake-up from shutdown allows the converter to be powered down even during brief inactive periods.
■ Single Supply 5V or ±5V Operation
■ Two Speed Grades,500ksps (LTC1278-5) 400ksps (LTC1278-4)
■ 70dB S/(N + D) and 74dB THD at Nyquist
■ No Missing Codes Over Temperature
■ 75mW (Typ) Power Dissipation
■ Power Shutdown with Instant Wake-Up
■ Internal Reference Can Be Overdriven Externally
■ Internal Synchronized Clock; No Clock Required
■ High Impedance Analog Input
■ 0V to 5V or ±2.5V Input Range
■ New Flexible, Friendly Parallel Interface to DSPs and FIFOs
■ 24-Pin Narrow PDIP and SW Packages
■ High Speed Data Acquisition
■ Digital Signal Processing
■ Multiplexed Data Acquisition Systems
■ Audio and Telecom Processing
■ Spectrum Analysis