SANYO -> Panasonic
The LC83010N, 83010NE is a single-chip digital signal processor (DSP). It is designed for use in the application fields such as a digital processing of audio signals.
The LC83010N, 83010NE CMOS processor has various on-chip filtering circuits such as a graphic equalizer for reproduction of sound quality. It also has simulation circuit for reverberation (sound reflection and echo), so that sound field with surround and delay can be created.
The LC83010N and LC83010NE are upgraded versions of the LC83010 and the LC83010E. The LC83010N and LC83010NE have a 64fs clock output that enables improved interfacing with external A/D converters. TEST5 has been renamed FS640/T5 and incorporates both the new clock output and the original test output.
Development Environment
• Software Tools
· Assembler
· Debugger with simulation
• Hardware Tools
· IBM PC-AT compatible machines or AX personal computers
· In Circuit Emulator (ICE)