SANYO -> Panasonic
LC75386NE-R / NW, volume, balance, fader, bus / treble, loudness, Electronic potentiometer that can control input switching and input gain control functions with few external components.
• Volume: 0 dB to -79 dB (1 dB step), - ∞ 81 positions.
By controlling L / R separately, it becomes a balance function.
• Fader: The rear side or front side output can be damped over 16 positions.
(1 dB steps from 0 dB to -2 dB, 2 dB steps from -2 dB to -20 dB, 10 dB steps from -20 dB to -30 dB
• Bus / treble: Each band has 2 dB steps ± 12 dB control.
Input gain: The input signal can be amplified from 0 dB to +18.75 dB (1.25 dB steps).
• Input changeover: You can select the signal of 6 inputs for both L / R. (5 is single ended, 1 is differential input)
• Loudness: A tap has come out from the position of -32 dB of the ladder resistor of 2 dB Step Volume, and CR is externally attached Loudness operation can be performed by parts.
• Buffer amp is built in, so there are few external parts.
• Silicon gate 切 Switching noise generated from the built-in switch by the CMOS process is small, so it is not signaled Switching noise is small.
• Since the zero cross switching circuit is built in, switching noise at the time of signal present is small.
• Built-in reference voltage generation circuit of VDD / 2.
• Each control is performed by serial data input.