ROHM Semiconductor
A world first, ROHM offers the KF2002-GP10A of thermal printheads that allow operation using a single standard lithium ion battery: required voltage has been reduced to just 2.7V. Compact and lightweight they are ideal printheads for handheld printers and PDAs (personal digital assistants).
1) Using advanced LSI technology, ROHM has developed a dedicated low voltage driver chip. Compared with previous products, power consumption has been reduced by more than 30%. Because the print head circuits draw just 2.7 volts, the printer can be driven using a single lithium ion battery.
2) One rank resistance value of 123Ω ± 4% eliminates the inconvenience of rank selection.
3) The GP10 series has a resistance value of 123Ω and can be used in devices designed to operate with a single 3V lithium ion battery.
Mobile printers
FET-POS printers
Hand-held printers
Debit printers