International Rectifier
International Rectifier’s RADHard HEXFET®technology provides high performance power MOSFETs for space applications. This technology has over a decade of proven performance and reliability in satellite applications. These devices have been characterized for both Total Dose and Single Event Effects (SEE). The combination of low Rdson and low gate charge reduces the power losses in switching applications such as DC to DC converters and motor control. These devices retain all of the well established advantages of MOSFETs such as voltage control, fast switching, ease of paralleling and temperature stability of electrical parameters.
■ Single Event Effect (SEE) Hardened
■ Low RDS(on)
■ Low Total Gate Charge
■ Proton Tolerant
■ Simple Drive Requirements
■ Ease of Paralleling
■ Hermetically Sealed
■ Ceramic Package
■ Light Weight