IMP, Inc
– Watchdog timer
– Brownout detection
– Power supply monitor
The IMP705/706/707/708 and IMP813L CMOS supervisor circuits monitor power-supply and battery voltage level, and µP/µC operation. Compared to pin-compatible devices offered by Maxim Integrated Products, IMP devices feature 60 percent lower maximum supply current. The family offers several functional options. Each device generates a reset signal during power-up, power-down and during brownout conditions. A reset is generated when the supply drops below 4.65V (IMP705/707/813L) or 4.40V (IMP706/708). For 3V power supply applications
Key Features
◆ Improved replacements for the Maxim MAX705/6/7/8, MAX813L
– 140µA maximum supply current
– 60% improvement
◆ Precision power supply monitor
– 4.65V threshold (IMP705/707/813L)
– 4.40V threshold (IMP706/8)
◆ Debounced manual reset input
◆ Voltage monitor
– 1.25V threshold
– Battery monitor/Auxiliary supply monitor
◆ Watchdog timer (IMP705/706/813L)
◆ 200ms reset pulse width
◆ Active HIGH reset output (IMP707/708/813L)
◆ MicroSO package
◆ Computers and embedded controllers
◆ Battery-operated systems
◆ Intelligent instruments
◆ Wireless communication systems
◆ PDAs and handheld equipment