Sony Semiconductor
The ICX279AK is an interline CCD solid-state image sensor suitable for PAL color video cameras with a diagonal 4.5mm (Type 1/4) system. Compared with the current product ICX209AK, basic characteristics such as sensitivity, smear and dynamic range are improved drastically through the adoption of EXview HAD CCDTM technology.
This chip features a field period readout system and an electronic shutter with variable charge-storage time. The package is a 10mm-square 14-pin DIP (Plastic).
EXview HAD CCDTM has different spectral characteristics from the current CCD.
• High sensitivity (+5dB compared with the ICX209AK)
• Low smear (–20dB compared with the ICX209AK)
• High D range (+2dB compared with the ICX209AK)
• Horizontal register: 3.3 to 5.0V drive
• Reset gate: 3.3 to 5.0V drive
• No voltage adjustment (Reset gate and substrate bias are not adjusted.)
• High resolution, low smear and low dark current
• Excellent antiblooming characteristics
• Continuous variable-speed shutter
• Recommended range of exit pupil distance: –20 to –100mm
• Ye, Cy, Mg, and G complementary color mosaic filters on chip