Supertex Inc
General Description
The Supertex HV857 is a high voltage driver designed for driving Electroluminescent (EL) lamps of up to 5 square inches. The input supply voltage range is from 1.8V to 5.0V. The device uses a single inductor and a minimum number of passive components. The nominal regulated output voltage that is applied to the EL lamp is ±95V. The chip can be enabled/disabled by connecting the resistor on Rsw-osc to VDD/ground.
❏ Patent pending audible noise reduction
❏ Patent pending lamp aging compensation
❏ 190VPP output voltage for higher brightness
❏ Patented output timing for high efficiency
❏ Single cell lithium ion compatible
❏ 150nA shutdown current
❏ Wide input voltage range 1.8V to 5.0V
❏ Separately adjustable lamp and converter frequencies
❏ Output voltage regulation
❏ Split supply capability
❏ LCD backlighting
❏ Mobile cellular phones
❏ PDAs
❏ Handheld wireless communication products
❏ Global Positioning Systems (GPS)