Hanbit Electronics Co.,Ltd
The HMN12816D 128K x 16 nonvolatile SRAM’s are 2,097,152-bit fully static, nonvolatile SRAM’s, organized as
131,072 words by 16 bits. Each NVSRAM has a self contained lithium energy source and control circuitry which
constantly monitors Vcc for an out-of-tolerance condition. When such a condition occurs, the lithium energy source is automatically switched on and write protection is unconditionally enabled to prevent data corruption. DIP-package HMN12816D devices can be used in place of solutions which build nonvolatile 128Kx16 memory by utilizing a variety of discrete components. There is no limit on the number of write cycles that can be executed and no additional support circuitry is required for microprocessor interfacing.
Access time : 70, 85, 120, 150ns
High-density design : 256KByte Design
Battery internally isolated until power is applied
Industry-standard 40-pin 128K x 16 pinout
Unlimited write cycles
Data retention in the absence of VCC
10-years minimum data retention in absence of power
Automatic write-protection during power-up/power-down cycles
Data is automatically protected during power loss
Conventional SRAM operation; unlimited write cycles