HD74LS641P 数据手册 ( 数据表 ) - Renesas Electronics

Renesas Electronics
Octal Bus Transceivers (non-inverted open-collector outputs)
This octal bus transceivers is designed for asynchronous two-way communication between data buses. The devices transmit data, from the A bus to the B bus or from the B bus to the A bus depending upon the level at the direction control (DIR) input. The enable input (G) can be used to disable the device so that the buses are effectively isolated.
Page Link's:
Octal Bus Transceivers (non-inverted open-collector outputs)
Hitachi -> Renesas Electronics
Octal Bus Transceivers (inverted open-collector outputs)
Renesas Electronics
Octal Bus Transceivers (non-inverted open-collector outpurs)
Renesas Electronics
Octal Bus Transceivers(non-inverted-3state outputs)
Hitachi -> Renesas Electronics
Octal Bus Transceivers (non-inverted 3-state outputs)
Renesas Electronics
Hex Non-Inverted Buffers with Open-Collector Outputs
IK Semicon Co., Ltd
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