The HD-4702/883 Bit Rate Generator provides the necessary clock signals for digital data transmission systems, such as a UART. It generates 13 commonly used bit rates using an on-chip crystal oscillator or an external input. For conventional operation generating 16 output clock pulses per bit period, the input clock frequency must be 2.4576MHz (i.e., 9600 Baud x 16 x 16, since there is an internal ÷ 16 prescaler). A lower input frequency will result in a proportionally lower output frequency.
• This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to MIL-STD-883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1. 2. 1.
• HD-4702/883 Provides 13 Commonly Used Bit Rates
• Uses a 2.4576MHz Crystal/Input for Standard Frequency Output (16 Times Bit Rate)
• Low Power Dissipation
• Conforms to ElA RS-404
• One HD-4702/883 Controls up to Eight Transmission Channels
• Initialization Circuit Facilitates Diagnostic Fault Isolation
• On-Chip Input Pull-Up Circuit